What is best way to get from Montrose to Telluride

Many guests ask if I have any advice on getting from Montrose Airport to Telluride.

I do.

You can rent a car and drive or you can take a shuttle van service. I personally rent a car although you certainly don’t need one in Telluride.

If you want to rent a car and drive –

There really is only one way. It takes about 1.5 hours. There is a Wal-Mart and City Market in Montrose where you might want to pick up some groceries before as they are cheaper there.  My advice if you decide to rent a vehicle would be to rent a 4 wheel drive vehicle in the winter.

From the airport, you turn left out of the airport.
Once you go about 15+ miles you will be in Ridgeway.
In Ridgeway, turn right at the Shell station.
Go for some time and at some point you will see a sign saying to turn left for Telluride.
Take that left and that will take you there.

If you want to take a shuttle –

There are two companies – Telluride Express and Mountain Limo. Mountain Limo I think you have to rent the whole van. I think Telluride Express offers both shared and private vehicles. This could have changed.

Both are good.

I would advise a reservation.

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